Monday, August 31, 2009

Interesting Discovery

Well when you are trying to build and expand on your homestead you are bound to have to step back sometimes and do some repairs and maintenance too. I spend the last weekend doing a complete upgrade to our home heating system (whole separate post there!) but needless to say at some point during the process I had to walk back past the garden to empty ashes from the furnace. Well what do you think I expect to find when I get down there.....

It appears as though something decided that all the hard work I did to make a gate for the garden wasn't worth trying. Something flattened one side of my fence and must have wandered around the garden...although I saw no damage to any of my vegetables. My only guess is that a nice Pennsylvania black bear decided to come through and take a look. This wasn't his first message. He also once bent the aluminum pipe that holds up my bird feeder to get a suit block and ripped apart the cage it was held in.

On a good note I went back down to the garden today and bent the stake and fence back up and did some harvesting. I got 4lbs of Roma tomatoes off that I will add to the collection that will become sauce later this fall. I also peaked at a few cucumbers that are getting ready to go that I might be making ANOTHER round of pickles this weekend. I'm hoping the others batches turned out ok before I keep making more and more!
Once I get a few pictures taken I will give an overview of the furnace upgrade and I"m sure I'll have some more stories by then. If you're near NEPA like I am enjoy the beautiful cool weather!!

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