Sunday, December 5, 2010

10 and counting

Well it's getting very close now. 10 days and counting. I never ever thought we were actually going to make it this long. We've been very busy trying to get all of the last minute details done. We got our Christmas tree already and have been working to decorate it. We are very excited for our boys first holiday!

On the home front I am working on getting everything ready for winter. I did the last of the garden prep and put a whole bed of garlic in to come up in spring. I also got all of the firewood split and stacked. We had a nice fire last night which is just perfect around the holiday time.

At work I'm still making preparations for my time away when the boy is born. I've been making a lot of what I've called "virtual lessons" using a website called voicethread. Below you'll find a podcast that goes into some detail as to how I use it in my classroom...enjoy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm back!!

Well after quite a long absence I'm back! Things have been very busy over here lately and I haven't really been able to dedicate my time to blogging. I'm going to try it again but I'm not sure how much time I'll have to dedicate to playing around with blogging again. I think the picture below is self explanatory as to why my time will no longer be my own very shortly. At the time of this post we are 28 days and counting until showtime.

It's clearer to me more then ever now though as to why the goodness and the skills that I'm trying to preserve are so important. I've been working harder then ever on such things around the home so I have as much a I possibly can pass onto this little guy. While I may get behind on blogging about them, rest assured I'm learning and trying more then ever in preparation to pass them onto the next generation. Hopefully, I will have some more in the next few days related to Thanksgiving, laundry detergent I made for my wife with all the extra clothes we have now and all types of other fun things!